Practitioners of traditional Chinese Medicine have used Turkey Tail Mushrooms (trametes versicolor) for thousands of years for their medicinal benefits. Eventually, Western medicine caught on and now Turkey Tails are one of the most researched medicinal mushrooms. Take a look below at some of the health benefits of Turkey Tail mushrooms.

Good Source of Antioxidants

Turkey Tail mushrooms are an excellent source of antioxidants, chemical compounds that protect against damage from pollutants, toxins, and other substances harmful to our bodies. It is thought that antioxidants can help prevent inflammation and chronic illnesses. Turkey Tails contain a variety of antioxidants (at least 35) such as anti-inflammatory Phenols and heart-healthy Flavonoids.

Natural Immune Support

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Turkey Tails (or yun zhi) have been used for thousands of years to support the liver, lungs, and immune system. Today, research tells us that Trametes versicolor contain long chain carbohydrates called Polysaccharopeptides, specifically Krestin (PSK) and Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP). PSK and PSP suppress inflammation and both activate certain immune cells while inhibiting other overactive cells. PSK promotes immunity to toxins and activates white blood cells while PSP has been used as an immunotherapeutic and shown benefit to patients with hepatitis, hyperlipidemia, and other chronic diseases.

Improve Gut Bacteria

If you are a fan of Kombucha or fermented foods, its likely you understand the benefits of gut health. Probiotics or “good” bacteria are essential for maintaining a healthy gut and help support digestion, vitamin and mineral absorption, insulin uptake, and immune response. While probiotic supplements are popular for providing additional “good” bacteria, this bacteria might not survive without prebiotic nutrients. Turkey Tails contain prebiotics and are capable of changing the gut’s microbiota. Turkey Tail extracts were even shown to suppress the growth of E. coli and Shigella bacteria. So the next time you go for the sauerkraut, grab some Turkey Tail (but you won’t want to add it to your Reuben raw, keep reading for how to use Turkey Tails).

Complimentary Medicine for Cancer Therapy

Research has demonstrated that turkey tail mushrooms can suppress certain tumors and slow the spread of cancer in animals. In humans, Turkey Tails can be used in conjunction with standard medical treatment. A meta-analysis showed that patients with breast, gastric, or colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy and Turkey Tail compounds experienced better 5-year mortality rates than those with chemotherapy alone. If you are interesting in supplementing your cancer treatment with Turkey Tail mushrooms, make sure to talk to your doctor first.

How to Use Turkey Tail Mushrooms

While Turkey Tails are edible, they are tough and chewy and can be harsh on the stomach. Instead, they are usually consumed in powdered extract or in tinctures.  If you are looking to add Turkey Tails into your health routine, check out our hand crafted tincture!