About Polypore And More

we make products that make a difference

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Polypore And More is about achieving equilibrium between man and nature. We are passionate about promoting biodiversity, conservationism, and eco-education. Our goal is to better understand the bountiful gifts that mother earth provides while reshaping our interactions with her in order to give back as much as we receive.

Tree of Life

Like any company, we need funds to reach our goals. But what better way to show the importance of achieving equilibrium with mother nature than by using her fruits to achieve equilibrium in your body? That is why we sell hand-crafted products thoughtfully sourced from nature to better balance your body’s natural functions. Polypore And More is about healing from nature to heal nature.

Our Goals

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Do our best to do what’s best. There is no such thing as a perfect company or even perfect science. The Scientific Method is all about experimenting, learning, and adapting to new information. Our goal is to do what’s best for Mother Nature and for our customers while remaining honest, adaptive, and open-minded.

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To provide drug-free alternatives to support our customer’s health and wellness.


We promise to only sell products we personally endorse and would give to our own families.

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To challenge the current way of thinking. Nature is not something to battle against she is an ally to work with. We want people to see that random plants are more than just “weeds” and mushrooms are essential for our ecosystem. Nature is beautiful and we know people will agree when they have a chance to see.

Our Plan

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To accomplish our goals we need to raise funds. It’s no secret that change is expensive, and we don’t expect something for nothing. That is why we offer thoughtfully crafted products that aim to support our customers and the planet.

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With enough seeds, it will be time to plant. We’ll find the perfect piece of earth to adopt, protect, and call our home and our business. This will be a haven we nurture with sustainable practices. This will be ground zero for big change.

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After germination, we’ll grow our ventures. We’ll test new ideas (and the ones we have been dreaming about, and testing for years) and provide more solutions for customers and more mother nature centered industry practices.

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Our ultimate goal is to globally redefine the status quo of plastics, pollution, and pharmaceuticals. We want to develop or fund alternative materials and sustainable practices, conserve land, provide plant-based medicines, and so much more!

Why Mushrooms Matter

Fungi provide benefits to all of nature. They connect and protect forests, break down organic waste, recycle nutrients back into the soil and promote bioremediation. Humans wouldn’t be able to enjoy a variety of food and beverages without fungi and some mushrooms (essentially the fungi’s fruit) are a source of nutrition themselves and even provide medicinal benefits. With millions of mushroom species left to discover, we are still learning about all the benefits they have to offer.

Our Team of Passionate Experts

Creative Director Polypore and More

Christian Barille

Creative Director

Consultant 1 Polypore and More

Lauren Hutson


Director of Product Polypore and More

Seth Barot

Director of Product

Security Team Polypore and More

Oliver / Tucker / Koko

Security Team

Strategy Director Polypore and More

Daniel Hutson

Strategy Director

Consultant 2 Polypore and More

Hannah DeWitt


Creative Director Polypore and More

Christian Barille

Creative Director

Strategy Director Polypore and More

Daniel Hutson

Strategy Director

Consultant 2 Polypore and More

Hannah DeWitt


Director of Product Polypore and More

Seth Barot

Director of Product

Consultant 1 Polypore and More

Lauren Hutson


Security Team Polypore and More

Oliver / Tucker / Koko

Security Team

Polypore And More Primary Logo

Every company has a story and ours began in  2020. Three friends got together and decided that they were tired of not having holistic, natural options, and they made it their mission to spread the word, inform the public, and most importantly, make a difference.

One of the main issues is medication in the US.  There is a lack of natural and healthy remedies offered by physicians, the medications being prescribed have more symptoms than treatments, many are highly addictive to the point of ruining people’s lives, and not to mention the financial impacts they can have on families.

We know we can do better.

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We are committed to sustainability and providing products (and their packaging) that can either be composted, reused, or recycled.

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Our products are handmade with love and attention and every detail has been thoughtfully crafted for your benefit.

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We care about our customers and the planet and will continue to pursue better business practices. We believe in change through example.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Be A Part Of The Change